71.3 F
Newport Beach, California
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Tags Scientific data

Tag: scientific data

Using the genetics of addiction to improve treatment

Substance use disorders result from genetic and environmental factors combined, which led researchers to look at changes in gene expressions to predict susceptibility to...

Risk for addiction can start before birth

Alterations in gene expressions could predict propensity to addiction, a recent study has shown. Most people are not familiarized with the term ‘epigenetics’, but new...

Can fitness bolster addiction recovery?

Several recent studies reveal that engaging in regular aerobic exercise can prove extremely beneficial during addiction recovery. In fact, during clinical studies, regular exercise...

Recent article downplays severity of opioid crisis, but data tells another...

An article published in the Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy earlier this year suggested that all the recent attention on the opioid crisis...

Sleep habits may predict early drug use, study shows

Sleep-deprived children and teenagers are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, according to a new study by the Department of Psychiatry at the...
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