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Sunday, February 23, 2025
Tags Prescription drugs

Tag: prescription drugs

Understanding the value of prescription drug monitoring programs

Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) are important tools in curbing the opioid crisis and reducing the need for addiction treatment. These are state-run databases...

The link between negative sexual events and prescription drug misuse

Sexual events perceived as negative among college students are often associated with the misuse of prescription drugs, a new study published in the journal...

Lack of awareness puts seniors at high risk for opioid abuse

Seniors receive nearly 30 percent of all medications prescribed in the United States and make up 36 percent of the total patient population that...

The cultural perceptions of prescription and illicit drug addiction

Patterns of drug use began to change in the U.S. in the 1990s – a decade that ended with more Americans reporting they had...

Social media linked to rise in prescription drug abuse

A 2017 study revealed a correlation between the popularity of social media and the rise of non-medical prescription drug use. The plethora of online...

Technologies to prevent drug diversion gain traction amidst opioid crisis

Misuse of prescription pills continues to be a growing public health problem in the U.S. It is estimated that 20 percent of adults, or...

Tech company partners with organization to prevent drug diversion

Solo Technology Holdings, LLC, developers of iKeyp, a smartphone-enabled safe designed to prevent the theft and abuse of prescription drugs, has teamed up with the...

Americans use more prescription pills than tobacco

According to a recent report prepared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), over a third of American adults (35%) were...
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