Drug Abuse Programs in Boise Using Medication Assisted Treatment

the Raise the Bottom facility are asked to undergo a drug test in their labs that are located in-house. Facility heads highlighted that another benefit of MAT is that it helps patients stop using IV drugs. By doing that, MAT helps lower the risk of infections being spread throughout the treatment center.

Idaho has a five year plan that was enacted last year to defeat the opioid epidemic.

One of the goals that the state is to educate people and ensure that by December of 2019, 90 percent of Idahoans learn about opioid prescriptions prior to using their first prescription.

Another goal in the plan includes ensuring that 75 percent of Idahoans will have exposure to information about opioids by December 2018.


The plan also anticipates reducing substance use in adolescents by 10 percent as calculated by the Idaho Healthy Youth Survey by December of 2021.

The last goal set forth by the state was that by January 2022, Idaho anticipates increasing awareness and access to resources that would assist in treating opioid use disorders and reducing all drug-related deaths.

Robert B. Hayek
Author: Robert B. Hayek

Robert B Hayek is a reporter for Addiction Now and covers features and local spotlight stories. He previously worked for Fox Sports as a production assistant as well as a writer and reporter for an online website called Real Talk Sports Network. He has lived in Southern California his entire life, is a lover of books and writing and also surfs. Contact Robert at roberth@addictionnow.com

Drug Abuse Programs in Boise Using Medication Assisted Treatment
Article Name
Drug Abuse Programs in Boise Using Medication Assisted Treatment
Drug abuse programs in Boise, Idaho are helping people with opioid use disorders with medication assisted treatment (MAT).
Robert B Hayek
Publisher Name
Addiction Now