Smoking in movies is popular again and can harm children

stated that movies featuring tobacco use should be rated R, at the very least.

Glantz, who has conducted extensive research on many different topics related to the harms of tobacco and secondhand smoke, also believes that the MPAA should change the way movies featuring tobacco use are rated.  

“This wouldn’t be to keep kids from seeing movies that are rated R because kids do see some R-rated movies,” he said. “But when a movie is made, the rating for the film is determined before they even make the movie as part of the marketing for the film. So, if Hollywood is going to make movies that they want to sell tickets to kids, those movies should not be also selling them cigarettes.”

The CDC concluded that 5.6 million children may die from diseases caused by tobacco if the current trends continue, but removing tobacco products from all movies that are not R-rated could reduce teen smoking by 18 percent.

Livia Areas-Holmblad
Author: Livia Areas-Holmblad

Livia Holmblad is an editor at Addiction Now and covers breaking news, features and everything in between. She moved to SoCal after living in NYC for about 10 years, where she worked for VICE and SinoVision as a writer, editor, host, producer, and director. Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. Contact Livia at

Smoking in movies is popular again and can harm children
Article Name
Smoking in movies is popular again and can harm children
The number of smoking depictions in top-grossing films increased 72 percent from 2010 to 2016, according to a July report by the CDC.
Livia Areas-Holmblad
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Addiction Now