marijuana effects on the brain

Scientists at the University of Michigan, along with Florida International University’s (FIU) Center for Children and Families, found previously unreported behavioral effects marijuana has on users.

“We were interested in seeing whether the reward centers of the brain [are impacted by] marijuana use,” said Elisa Trucco, co-author and assistant professor at FIU. “What we found was that it led to dampening, suggesting more [continuous] use leads to an individual having less response to natural rewards.”

The study recruited 108 participants in their early 20s for a four-year experiment. Three-quarters were men, and the majority were white. During two-year intervals, their brains were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

During the scans, they played a game that asked them to hit a button every time an on-screen target appeared. Before each session, they were told they had a chance of winning $0, 20 cents, $5, or lose it all.


Compared to the brains of non-marijuana users…(continue reading),

Justin Kravcik
Author: Justin Kravcik

Justin Kravcik is a reporter for Addiction Now who covers breaking news. He previously worked as a reporter for Orange County Culture Magazine, where he covered human interest stories across Orange County. He also worked as a marketing copywriter for a Newport Beach-based law firm, where he wrote articles on current events and education. Contact Justin at

Article Name
Marijuana blunts natural reward responses in the brain
Scientists at the University of Michigan, along with Florida International University’s (FIU) Center for Children and Families, found previously unreported behavioral effects marijuana has on the user.
Justin Kravcik
Publisher Name
Addiction Now