A mother’s love (Aimee Dunkle Interview Part 1 of 4)

Aimee Dunkle lost her son Ben to a heroin overdose in 2012 when he was 20-years-old.

Several weeks ago, Addiction Now conducted an interview with Dunkle in her home. Topics covered in the interview include her experiences dealing with a son struggling with a substance disorder, the steps she took to address his addiction, the impact Ben’s addiction had on the family, and what she does now to raise awareness for opioid abuse.

In Part 1 of our four-part interview with Dunkle, she discussed her early days in the United States raising her son Ben.  

Dunkle left England with her husband, and infant son, Ben, 22-years-ago to escape IRA bombings, “ironically” just as pain was being introduced as the fifth vital sign.


She described her son as “a wonderful kid,” who was verbally gifted, but had learning disabilities in written language and mathematics, which “had an impact” and “made his life… (continue reading)

Livia Areas-Holmblad
Author: Livia Areas-Holmblad

Livia Holmblad is an editor at Addiction Now and covers breaking news, features and everything in between. She moved to SoCal after living in NYC for about 10 years, where she worked for VICE and SinoVision as a writer, editor, host, producer, and director. Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. Contact Livia at liviah@addictionnow.com

A mother’s love (Aimee Dunkle Interview Part 1 of 4)
A mother’s love (Aimee Dunkle Interview Part 1 of 4)

Several weeks ago, Addiction Now conducted an interview with Aimee Dunkle and topics covered in the interview included her experiences dealing with a son struggling with a substance disorder, the steps she took to address his addiction, the impact Ben’s addiction had on the family, and what she does now to raise awareness for opioid abuse. Dunkle lost her son Ben to a heroin overdose in 2012 when he was 20-years-old.