there are not great drug therapies to treat the craving that people have, and that’s when you see people can relapse even after years of being sober,” Nordt said.

These coping mechanisms will help to fully recover from suboxone withdrawal symptoms:

Exercising: This restores endorphin production, and consequently the body heals. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long Zumba class; it can begin with a 20-minute walk. Maintaining physical activity helps patients in recovery cope with stress while recovering, and it’s recommended to slowly increase the amount of exercise to speed up the recovery process.

Relaxation and staying positive: Finding a new hobby, reading a book, watching a favorite or new movie, or trying something new will keep the mind occupied while in recovery. Adopting a positive outlook brings a sense of pride and satisfaction when overcoming an addiction.


Social support: Seeking therapeutic help from a professional counselor and finding communal support can play a critical role in recovery. Sharing and learning from other people going through similar experiences lessens anxiety and provides support during recovery. Keeping in touch with family and friends also goes a long way to deal with the stress of withdrawal.

Mario Boucher
Author: Mario Boucher

Mario Boucher is a contributor to Addiction Now. He is an experienced journalist who has covered beats including city council, education, sports and entertainment for newspapers, magazines and websites. He is an avid hockey fan. Contact Mario at

Article Name
Detoxing with Suboxone
Detoxing from opioids can be a harrowing experience. Drugs like Suboxone, a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, are often used during the detox process to help patients reduce their opioid withdrawal symptoms. However, Suboxone has its own withdrawal symptoms including nausea, digestive problems, vomiting, headaches, lethargy, fever, muscle aches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chills and headaches.
Mario Boucher
Publisher Name
Addiction Now