nine individually wrapped kilograms.

The federal government charged Cheatham with possession with intent to distribute controlled substances. If convicted, she faces a minimum 10-year mandatory prison sentence.

Cheatham was allowed her one phone call, and used it to call a contact on her phone listed only by the incredulous name, “Loverboy.” A prosecutor accused the alleged drug smuggler of fibbing to authorities about the nature of her phone call.

“Agents know Las Vegas to be a source city in which illegal narcotics, including cocaine and heroin, are flown from Las Vegas to be distributed in the Metro Detroit area,” court documents stated.


Cheatham was jailed on October 17. Public defender Todd Shanker argued she has severe mental health issues and should be provided medical help over incarceration. However, a judge denied her bond because of the size of the drug bust and her criminal history of 30 years. She previously spent six and a half years in prison for theft in 2001. Chetham’s history also revealed a conviction for transporting and selling drugs on July 18, 1986, and also an arrest by U.S. Customs for importing a controlled substance on Sept. 29, 1972.

Magistrate Judge David R. Grand scolded Cheatham for not making better decisions as an adult.

“Unfortunately, in your situation, that doesn’t seem to have happened,” Grand said. “Here we are in 2016, and you’re caught with this substantial amount of narcotics.”


Cesar Gamboa
Author: Cesar Gamboa

Cesar Gamboa is a staff reporter and editor for Addiction Now covering topics ranging from legislation to scientific studies. He was previously a general assignment reporter for the Orange County Register. SoCal raised, lover of books, and avid mountain biker (when he wants to be). He can be reached at

Article Name
Grandmother arrested for smuggling $500k of cocaine from Las Vegas to Detroit
A 63-year-old Arizona resident was arrested this month for allegedly smuggling about $500,000 in cocaine in two suitcases from Las Vegas to Detroit.
Cesar Gamboa
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Addiction Now