Twenty-seven opiate overdoses in 24 hours shock Columbus, Ohio

twenty seven opiate overdoses twenty-four hours shock Columbus Ohio

Authorities are in shock after 27 opiate overdoses occurred in a 24 hour period, from Tuesday, September 27th, into Wednesday, September 28th.

According to the Columbus Chief of Police, the majority of the overdoses occurred in the same area, leading police to surmise that the outbreak was the result of a single bad batch of heroin.

Officials say that on an average day in the area, they go through roughly eight doses of naloxone, a drug administered to reverse the effects of opiate overdose. Between Tuesday and Wednesday, twenty-seven doses had to be administered, and certain persons had to be administered multiple doses. Two of the people died.

Health officials had issued multiple advisory statements in response to the disturbing development… (continue reading)

Treatment Team
Author: Treatment Team