Party.0 nonprofit brings substance-free parties to campus across nation

party.0 nonprofit substance free parties campus nation

Addiction Now has learned of the new nonprofit organization Party.0, which is bringing sober parties to college campuses, encouraging students to have a good time without resorting to alcohol or drugs.

The parties thrown by Party.0 look a lot like what you’d expect of a college party: DJs spin records, dancing is encouraged, and students play games like flip cup and beer pong. The only difference is that students play sober versions of these games, like “skill pong,” which requires you to eat a pizza slice if you miss your shot.

Party.0 offers students a chance to unwind in an environment without alcohol, which means that students can let loose without worrying about the police. Instead of crowding in the basement to party, students are free to hang out outside of the house without fear of legal consequences.

Every year, drinking on college campuses results in over 1,800 deaths in the United States. Some schools, like Stanford University, are attempting to… (continue reading)

Treatment Team
Author: Treatment Team