• They are hyper, euphoric, irritable or anxious.
  • Also look for weight loss, dry mouth and excessive talking that are followed up by either depression or sleeping at odd times.
  • Long periods of time without sleep or eating might also happen.

It may be hallucinogens like as LSD and PCP if…

  • They have sudden changes in sleep and appetite patterns.
  • Weight loss or gain.
  • Slurred speech or troubled coordination.
  • Absence of grooming habits.
  • Unusual smells on breath, body or clothing.

Recognizing the signs of addiction may be a lot easier than actually confronting a loved one about it.

“I think so many individuals and family members really struggle with how to begin the conversation,” said Audra Stock, division director for the division of services improvement at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Stock, who is also a licensed professional counselor and a master addictions counselor, recommended rehearsing your approach with love and respect in mind. “It’s really important for family members to not approach the person when they might be high or intoxicated. So choosing the time to have the conversation is also important.”


The nature of addiction can involve resistance and denial, and it’s essential to stay encouraged even if initial talks are unsuccessful, or if there is a reluctance to discuss any issues, she added. “It’s important to set limits and not do what we’ve seen in some of the popular shows like interventions where it’s all or nothing.”

It’s also important to be aware of your own sense of safety, physically and emotionally, Stock said. “If their loved one tends towards reactivity or violence, choose a time they think they can be safe to have the conversation.”

Keep in mind that your loved one may be feeling shame or insecurity because of their drug addiction and your approach should be calm and collected. A strong and confrontational approach may prevent them accepting help and could be counter-productive.

“It’s important to set limits and not do what we’ve seen in some of the popular shows like interventions where it’s all or nothing. We don’t want someone to think that their loved one has to hit rock bottom before they get help. That a miss. The sooner someone can get help, they sooner they can start beginning their process of recovery.”

Treatment does work. However, it isn’t always a one-size-fits-all proposition that yields immediate results, according to Stock.  “Recovery is a complicated, twisty path. So just because someone is open to help initially, doesn’t mean that’s going to automatically change, and that they’re going to be better all of a sudden. It takes a while, and it might take multiple times.”

Cesar Gamboa
Author: Cesar Gamboa

Cesar Gamboa is a staff reporter and editor for Addiction Now covering topics ranging from legislation to scientific studies. He was previously a general assignment reporter for the Orange County Register. SoCal raised, lover of books, and avid mountain biker (when he wants to be). He can be reached at cesarg@addictionnow.com.

Is my loved one on drugs?
Article Name
Is my loved one on drugs?
A recent study by the University of Cincinnati revealed a startling fact: one in five Ohio residents know someone addicted to heroin. This alarming statistic doesn’t include the many other drugs causing addiction. In conjunction with 2016’s International Overdose Awareness Day, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced a new poster to help recognize the telltale signs of opiate addiction. The poster, titled “Drug Addiction Affects All Ohioans” listed several warning signs that may go undetected including small or pinpoint pupils, sudden dramatic weight loss, and rapid mood swings.
Cesar Gamboa
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Addiction Now